New weather station at Lincoln County school
Linda Geist
Senior Information Specialist
University of Missouri Cooperative Media Group
May 13, 2015
MOSCOW MILLS, Mo. - Students at the Lincoln County R-III Ninth Grade Center are learning about the weather.
A new weather station on school property gives students a firsthand look at science, research and technology, says University of Missouri Extension Commercial Agriculture climatologist Pat Guinan.
Guinan said students, teachers and staff can monitor weather conditions at their school's "outdoor classroom" through a website or mobile platform. Students access a seven-day forecast from the National Weather Service on the mobile link.
"Students can learn the value and application of real-time weather observation and instrumentation as well as the benefits derived from long-term monitoring, data collection and climatology," Guinan said.
Having the weather station on school property helps students learn the value and application of weather data, Guinan said. "They will see how these benefits go well beyond the school property and impact many other people, communities, businesses, organizations and others."
The station is part of a network of 33 weather stations called the Missouri Mesonet. K-12 schools host seven of them, which are in Audrain, Pettis, Morgan, Callaway, Dunklin, Putnam and Lincoln counties.
The school weather stations are funded by a grant through the National Science Foundation's Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), which promotes science education, research, technology and community outreach. For more information, go to
For more information about the Missouri Mesonet, go to

Weather station at Lincoln County R-III Ninth Grade Center.
Photo credit: MU Extension
Source: Pat Guinan, 573-882-5908